Thank you for your interest. At this time, we are not taking on new clients. We do have a cancellation list available. If you would like to be added, please let us know by sending in a client form. If you have been to PupTown previously and do not have a standing appointment, no form is needed but you will be added to the list. Message us at 919.823.7548. Thank you for your understanding!
Why have your dog groomed?
Professional grooming is one of the most efficient ways to discover health problems with the ears, skin, teeth, etc.
Regular grooming decreases shedding around your house and fosters healthy skin and coat.
Regular brushing distributes the dog's natural oils and gets rid of dead skin while encourages new growth.
If mats go untreated, they can cause abrasions and ulcers, along with pain and discomfort. Severe mats can grow so tightly that they cut off blood flow.
Having your dogs ears cleaned regularly will prevent ear infections, ear mites, and other problems.
Keeping your dog’s teeth clean is important. Dental disease is frequent in dogs and only 2nd to ear infections.
Regular nail trims help keep the pets joints from being stressed and reduces the risk of infection. Nails that are too long can cause your dog to walk on the sides of their feet. This can cause arthritis.
And simply because your dog will feel better!
Why choose PupTown?
Your pup will have our full attention from start to finish.
Everything is done by hand from washing and drying to clipping.
Your pup won’t experience the stress of being in a loud shop.
Your pup will have the same groomer every time which builds trust.
PupTown doesn’t cage dry and never leaves your pup alone.
We are unique in that all pups within a household are groomed together which make siblings feel comfortable and have more fun!
There is no age limit to the pups we groom. Seniors need grooming too!
PupTown disinfects between grooming sessions. We run an air filter that continuously clears the entire space.
We are compassionate and love what we do!